Founded in 1998, RAM Marketing, Inc. is a privately owned company formed by two partners and a select group of call center specialists who bring years of experience in sales and customer service
to their clients. This unique partnership evolved after two seasoned professionals, Allen Riehl and Matt Moon, worked together on a client/contractor basis. Their business alliance proved to be
mutually prosperous and eventually led to a new partnership - RAM Marketing.
Now, almost 20 years later, RAM has continually proven its mettle by consistently providing clients with the best possible results.
Our representatives have the mindset that they work for the client. They are nicely compensated with a retention bonus when their client decides to continue or increase the amount of marketing
hours scheduled for their project. We find this incentive program essential in our effort to maintain quality control of the leads we provide to our clients. RAM Marketing recruits only experienced
telesales and customer service representatives. Their ability to listen is as important as their ability to articulate and represent our clients.
RAM Marketing is equipped to deploy a successful customized marketing campaign. In addition to our highly trained staff, we use sophisticated computer-based databases to log prospective
contacts and help us provide customized statistics and reports based on a wide variety of criteria to meet your specific needs. All of our solutions, including our phone system, are scalable to meet
the needs of any size project. This scalability allows us to "hit the ground running" and help decrease your time-to-results.
Our best proof of success is measured by the rate with which we are hired for subsequent campaigns. RAM Marketing does not require any contracts - if you don't like the work we are doing for
you, we can end the campaign on the spot with no additional costs incurred. If you like the results we were able to provide you with, hire us again. Our clients choose the "hire us again" route, and
they choose it frequently. Because of our succesful results, we have many clients who have chosen us to help with their marketing efforts for several years; some of our clients have been with us for
a decade and we have become and integral part of their overall sales force.